The band První Hoře started its career in the north east bohemian town of Jicin as a group of former members of various local punk bands. Average age of the members was 16 years back then and the name of the band was derived from a short story by Franz Kafka. During the first four years of existence three demos were born: První Hoře (1998), 4 pokoje (2000) and Bez Obalu (2001).


První Hoře released a first regular record called Na úpatí on their own expense.


Second record Comedia dell'arte was released under Black Point music label from Prague. The band eventually moved to Prague and adapted a fixed setup of musicians including guitarist/singer, accordeonist, keyboard player/singer, bassguitarist and drummer while also using electronic samples. The band started working on their live shows, bursting with energy and theatral performance led by a clown playing the accordeon.


První Hoře was touring heavily around clubs and festivals and gained a steady audience of people who enjoyed their avantguarde musical feeling.


Third recod Lamento, again released with a support of Black Point music label, met with incredible success and was labeled "album of the year" by many. The band had a lot of gigs, short tour with the band Už Jsme Doma and concerts with other famous czech bands (Znouzectnost e.g.).


Record Lamento was awarded the Anděl award as the best hard n' heavy music album of the year as well as a 3rd place in the Břitva award in heavy metal music. První Hoře also appeared in Czech TV shows Hitoár and Madhouse and braodcasted their first videoclips of songs "Naruby" and "Otčenáš". Interviews with members of the band are published in renowned czech music maagazines like Houser, Abyss, Deníky Bohemia, Rock and Pop e.g.


The band found themselves on a Kult Hyeny tour launched by a well known crossover band Insania and performed at many summer music festivals (Brutal Assault, Poličské rockoupání, Lebeda festival, Kavčák, Festvial bez hvězd, Kramle etc.) Music agency Kontra Production took under their wing the management of the band. In the second half of the year the band was not just touring heavily but also started working on a new album which was previewed on december with a rare promo EP featuring three single tracks.


Album Club Silencio was released on 14th of april. První Hoře played at some of the most renowned festivals in Czech Republic (Colours of Ostrava, Benátská noc, Basinfire etc.) and won another Břitva award for the best hard n' heavy music album of the decade with the record Lamento.


The band was continuously working on their fifth album in a studio Šopa under the scrutiny of Standa Valášek and a nomadic Entlaab studio ran by their own keyboard player messieur Bertrám. First two singles "Ikare" and "Němohra" were released and the band also reissued their long-time sold out debut album "Na Úpatí".


První Hoře has played at numerous festivals both home and abroad: Vlčkovice fest, Festival Pecka or festival Banát (in Romania) to name just a few. Starting September the band set out on their "15 years behind the scene" tour, playing at many clubs including the famous Palác Akropolis in Prague where they officialy released their new album Imaginarium and held a premier screening of their new music video to a song "Absurdistan".


After careful preparations První Hoře toured extensively during the festival season and played their new repertoire at some of the best festivals Czech music scene has to offer: Brutal Assualt, Colours of Ostrava, Unites Islands, Povaleč, Banát festival etc. After almost exactly one year they returned to play at the Palác Akropolis music club with their long-time friends Už Jsme Doma.

2015 - early 2017

After having played for many years without a longer break and just finishing a concert streak in October the band members found themselves in need of a holiday. Throughout 2016 the band discontinued touring and concentrated solely on composing songs for their sixth album. The album was recorded in spring 2017 in Studio Hostivař under the supervision of Zdeněk Šikýř. Shortly after the band started playing again, their repertoire consisting mostly of new songs from their upcoming album that was released in October at Rock Café club in Prague. The album "Křehký mechanismus pozemského štěstí" met with great succes from both music critics and audience and received many 5 star reviews.

2018 - First half of 2020

The album "Křehký mechanismus pozemského štěstí" received the Břitva Award for the best album of the year. The group also played a number of successful concerts (Gryfinski Festiwal, Vývrtka, Vlčkovice, Váza fest, Povaleč, Mela, Brutal Assault, etc.). In 2019, it continues with other successful events (again Gryfinski Festiwal, Živá ulice Plzeň, Otveřeno Jimramov, Zarafest + lots of club events).

Second half of 2020 - 2021

The band had a forced concert break due to the covid pandemic. In the period of a more relaxed regime, however, musicians continued to meet in the rehearsal room in Karlín and were preparing new songs.


První hoře begined to play live again (Žižkovská noc, Festles, concerts with Insania, Útulek fest, Movomal, etc.). The musicians were composing and rehearsing more and more songs for the upcoming album.


In the summer of 2023, the recording of the seventh full-length album begined with the renowned sound engineer Zdenek Šikýř in Hostivař and then at the Audiofactory, under the supervision of Mr. Bertrám.


The band was performing extensively and celebrated 25 years on the scene. 

During the whole year, further preparations of the new album, which is called "Achtung, Sultan!", were underway. Aleš Hyvnar again took charge of the mix and mastering. The graphics for the new record were created by the court graphic artist Petra Komárková. This already seventh regular album was released in November on CD and LP by the renowned Indies label!


Milan Urza - guitar, vocals, lyrics

Rajs (ex-Bertrám) - keyboard, vocals, programming

Mr. Klaun I. - accordion, programming

Medák - drum battery, sampling

Mr. Jiří - bassguitar

Former Members:

Mirek Paška - drums

Ondra Hübner - bassguitar

Monika Devátá - fluite

E-mail: stepanka.kubickova@kontraproduction.cz   booking: +420 774 486 659 - Štěpánka Kubíčková
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